什麼是Kinder Club?

Kinder Club 是一個 提供幼稚園搜尋服務及作為家長發表對幼兒或幼稚園之意見的網上平台.

作為家長, 當然希望給兒女最好的, 但有時過於追求最好的, 反而會疏忽了是否最適合他們的呢? 每個小朋友獨特的, 性格, 喜好亦有所不同. 幼稚園是他們步入學習生涯的第一階段, 選擇合適的幼稚園對他們是十分重要的.

在選擇幼稚園時可考慮多個因素, 如環境, 交通, 配套, 小學銜接等等, 及如要 從網上找個別要幼稚園之資料一點也不難, 大部份幼稚園已有網頁可提供基本資料給家長參考, 但如要在網上搜尋由就讀於個別要幼稚園之家長的意見, 就一點都不容易.
我們歡迎所有家長發表對幼兒或幼稚園之意見,分享多年心得, 提供寶貴之意見, 意見可集中於幼兒或幼稚園的日常上課下課之細節,  校內環境衛生, 學校方針, 教學理念等等......, 好讓其他家長參考意見, 再考慮是否適合其兒女。

詳情請溜覽以下網址 :

Website : www.kinderclubhk.com

facebook: www.facebook.com/KinderClubHK



What's the Kinder Club?

Kinder Club is an online platform where parents can share their opinions about kindergartens or nurseries freely, and it also acts as a base for new parents to compare kindergartens easily.
As a parent, we of course want to give our children the best, but sometimes, in pursuit of the best, will we neglect what is best for them? Each child's unique personality and preferences are different. As kindergarten is the first phase of study and career, choosing a suitable kindergarten is very important to them. 

In choosing a kindergarten, factors such as environment, transportation, facilities, primary convergence, etc. should be taken into account. As for searching the Internet to find information about kindergartens, it is not difficult, as most kindergartens' websites provide basic information for parents, but if you want to know about other parents' opinions on kindergartens, that is not an easy task.

Parents are welcome to share their thoughts about kindergartens their children are studying at/have studied at. Tell us what you think about the lessons, the environment.... anything, to let parents choose which is best for their child.

Our database is based on the 18 districts' nursery or kindergarten information, grouped according to their district, and parents' opinions from Kinder Club's Facebook page would be collected and posted on kinder club's website on a weekly basis.

Please visit Kinder Club's webiste for more information or join us on facebook,

Website : www.kinderclubhk.com

facebook: www.facebook.com/KinderClubHK


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